and always trust your heart.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

damn it | Go to post

Arrgh ... I always feel the urge to punch a punching bag after piano lessons .

Dad says : music is for you to relax .
I say : yes I agree , but learning music is another different matter .

So instead of releasing stress , I'm gaining more stress .
Who knows , one morning the headline news might come out :
Girl strangles father & piano teacher because they inflated indirect injuries on her ...
Lol , sounds silly but because I usually come back from piano lesson angry , so my movement is kind of rough
Sometime accidentally hit the table also do not bother .
Angry because of my dad and the piano teacher .
However after reflecting , I feel that I should be shameful of myself for being angry towards dad and the teacher... but somehow I cannot stop being angry with them . Due to some reasons or whatsoever .

9:27:00 PM

I don't think you've heard ★

My name is

Alicia Wan.

I love to watch dramas, movies, read books and cook if I have the time.

I listen ♪ to English, Chinese, Cantonese, French, Korean, Japanese, Italian & Instrumental songs. After all, music is universal regardless of its language (>.-)

I love travelling . *grins* :) Been to Australia, Brussels, China, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Italy, Malaysia, Netherlands, New Zealand, Philippines, South Africa, South Korea, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, United States, Vietnam.


Just finish watching Playful Kiss aka Mischievous ... | Holiday is over :( | A Duo of Italian Delicacies | My Brother | Comrades | acute gastric flu | Results are boo ! | sian ~ | High School of the Dead. | laziness has eaten into me |

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