and always trust your heart.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

OH NO ! | Go to post

Hmm... the whole world knows about the crisis in Japan.
Earthquake , Tsunami and now Radiation leakage ...
There is a saying that goes - " If you want to play with the big boys , you have to know how to deal with them"
Aww Man ~ natural disasters are bad enough , and now comes radiation leakage :(
Do you know how much harm can radiation do to you ?
Cancer , failure to give birth (for woman) , higher chances of having a child with birth defects (at least 2 generations) , loss of hair , fatigue , lesser white blood cells , etc .
I hope that the school will cancel our study trip to Japan in April and the airline tickets can be postpone to a later date or to some other destination.
Refund our $$$ and save our trouble so that we do not need to do the presentation .
Man ~ this sucks ttm .
I do not want to have anything to do with radiation !

10:47:00 PM

I don't think you've heard ★

My name is

Alicia Wan.

I love to watch dramas, movies, read books and cook if I have the time.

I listen ♪ to English, Chinese, Cantonese, French, Korean, Japanese, Italian & Instrumental songs. After all, music is universal regardless of its language (>.-)

I love travelling . *grins* :) Been to Australia, Brussels, China, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Italy, Malaysia, Netherlands, New Zealand, Philippines, South Africa, South Korea, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, United States, Vietnam.


depths of despair | low hei | problematic | friend's birthday | 3 marks | Down the wrong way | lost in a sec | Hazy Dream | Guilty | New Year , New Piano Teacher |

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