and always trust your heart.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Merveilleux | Go to post

Fantastic weather for yesterday and today. Yesterday the sky view from my living room is .... impressive. The low and only clouds in the sky stretched across the skyline in one line. 1 hour later, the volume expanded 2 to 3 times the volume I saw an hour before. Life is so .... wonderful.

The weather today is totally in our favour. Morning it was perfect for a swim, no sign of threatening rain. Swam 1 lap and I was panting like I swam 10 laps. Afternoon, the sun
confirm 100% plus chop chop hates us, trying to roast innocent people like me. Late Afternoon weather at marina bay golf course was totally shoik, totally windy.

Morning : Swimming at seaview.
Lunch : Cafe Olive. http://www.cafeoliv.com/index2.html
Late Afternoon : Golf at Marina Bay Golf Course.
Dinner : Aunt's Kitchen.

Damn frustrated with my laptop , the internet and the stupid mini INQ phone.
Wanted to add in pictures and video of my first time golfing experience, but the idiot laptop and phone doesn't allow me to do so =(

9:09:00 PM

I don't think you've heard ★

My name is

Alicia Wan.

I love to watch dramas, movies, read books and cook if I have the time.

I listen ♪ to English, Chinese, Cantonese, French, Korean, Japanese, Italian & Instrumental songs. After all, music is universal regardless of its language (>.-)

I love travelling . *grins* :) Been to Australia, Brussels, China, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Italy, Malaysia, Netherlands, New Zealand, Philippines, South Africa, South Korea, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, United States, Vietnam.


Yesterday and Today | My University of Society | Human Jam | IT Fair | KaBoom ! Results are out today. Did better than th... | =DDD | 5-6-7 | Damn ass. | Thinking too far | =) -> =( |

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