and always trust your heart.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

4pm | Go to post

Had taxation tutorial @ 4pm today in the usual time slot .
Alice Lew was ... some what frank yet sarcastic ... not sure of what word to describe her .
Went for tutorial , she went through last week's classwork then moved on the the 12 marks essay . Only 1 classmate out of 23 students did the 12 marks essay . Luckily she didn't ask us to do it again . At this point , the class was relatively quiet . So after the 12 marks essay presentation , we went on to tutorial 3 homework questions . The class was so silent ... somewhat funny to me because whenever Alice Lew asks a question , she will lean forward a little bit , her eyes widen by a little bit and smile at the class , expecting an answer ... but we just stare back at her in silent "as if she was a black shadow in front of the class" - this was what she described .

And so we began our number calling , number answer style .
The 1 st person will volunteer to do a part of a question . After answering , that person will call out a number for the next person on the class register to answer . And hence the cycle will go on and on .

By the time we reach qns 5 it was 5.30pm . She asked the class another question again with the same expectation that we will give her some response . Yet again , we just looked at her and she looked at us ... In the end , she can't ta-han ( can't stand it ) the silent and unresponsive class .
She said with a smile on her face, " OK let's pack up and go home . I'm serious . I can't pull a cow into the water if it doesn't want to get into the water can't I ? So let's pack up and go home . "

And hence the class disperse without completing the tutorial ...

7:53:00 PM

I don't think you've heard ★

My name is

Alicia Wan.

I love to watch dramas, movies, read books and cook if I have the time.

I listen ♪ to English, Chinese, Cantonese, French, Korean, Japanese, Italian & Instrumental songs. After all, music is universal regardless of its language (>.-)

I love travelling . *grins* :) Been to Australia, Brussels, China, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Italy, Malaysia, Netherlands, New Zealand, Philippines, South Africa, South Korea, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, United States, Vietnam.


teases | damn it | Just finish watching Playful Kiss aka Mischievous ... | Holiday is over :( | A Duo of Italian Delicacies | My Brother | Comrades | acute gastric flu | Results are boo ! | sian ~ |

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